

Run for Our Son's Donation

Register for a Run For Our Sons marathon

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Training for my son

The past few months my friends and family has helped me raise over $3000.00 for the Disneyland Half marathon. This race will be my first ever marathon and I am very excited. Knowing that I am not only running in the happiest place on earth, but running for my son.

Earlier this year I joined "Run for our Sons" Team through Parent Project Muscular Dystrophy. I had no idea what I was to expect or how I was going to run 13.1 miles let alone raise $1200.00 to be able to run through MY favorite place in the world! Our fundraising started with simple emails sent to everyone in my contact list, daily postings on Facebook and before I knew it, I raised $1200.00 without any problems. Then I raised my personal goal to $3000. I knew that this would be a little more difficult, but no more difficult than it is for those many boys, men and few girls with Duchenne to be able to simply walk. So I hit the rest of my goal head on, with one thing in mind, FUNDING A CURE.

I decided to have a little Bake sale, WELL this little bake sale turned out to be a large bake sale and we sold sweatshirts, books, and every baked item you could think of. We met our goal of $3000. just by having a little bake sale. I found out that all you need to do is send a little information to your local paper and they will put your event in the  local section. We had many Little league teams purchase dozens of cookies and cupcakes, it was a win win situation.

With all the fund raising set on the back burner I started to seriously train. Our whole family changed our eating habits, which is not to bad of an idea for anyone with Duchenne to avoid junk food. We started off with short walks, jogs, and I most recently ran 8.25 miles and felt GREAT. If my son had not had Duchenne I would have thought of every excuse on why I cant run, shouldn't run, or didn't have time to run.

I am still training, not as hard as I think I should be, but training none the less. I run with a double jogging stroller and every time I feel like giving up, I look down and see his little legs hanging over the seat with his body covered by the umbrella. What I see are two little legs with enlarged calves that I stretch everyday, Massage when he gets cramps and little legs that cant run like you or I. That's what keeps me going! I will keep running until I can see those little legs able to run and keep up with everyone else. The half marathon is about a month away and I know its going to be very emotional for me, I sometimes cry on runs. My reason for running is not selfish, its not to be healthier, to be thinner, not to have a sexy body or because its "My thing". My reason for running is my son, plain and simple and when people ask me how? why? I ask them "What would you do if your child was given a diagnosis with no cure"? Usually its no response.

So with all that is said and done, My next Stop is DISNEYLAND! Hope to see you there!

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