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Thursday, October 21, 2010

Tippy Toes

So for those of you that don't know what AFO's are... barely know, lol.

Nicholas' neurologist recommended he get AFO's to wear at night due to his tip-toe walking that started shortly before he was hospitalized this January 2010.

(Late onset tiptoe walking--defined as tiptoeing which begins 4 or more months after a heel-toe gait has been established-usually indicates a neuromuscular problem such as CharcotMarie-Tooth disease, Duchenne's muscular dystrophy, or a spinal cord anomaly, and requires evaluation by a pediatric neurologist)

Many people who did not understand his disease suggested to me that Nicholas was most likely Autistic due to the toe walk, which we know is not the case(although not uncommon in Duchenne boys) thanks to our MDA clinic who has full team approach to asses your child.

The Neurologist suggested we get in contact with CCS (California Children's Service), they would give us services he needed and prescribe the AFO's. Wells its been 4 looooonnggg months and I keep calling them every week...his case is still on some unknown persons desk in Sacramento with no response.

Sooo being the impatient mother that  I am I made an appointment at Hanger in Salinas, ca. myself....

They got us in quick, the office was a Little confused on what he needed, but figured it out quick. First they wrapped his leg's in a cast, then once it dried the Orthosist cut it off. Nicholas did NOT like the "yuckies"(wet cast). One week latter Nicholas got his new AFO's with cool race cars and trucks on them. He was actually really excited. He layed down when we got home, a normal routine for him, and asked me "Mommy can I have may car brace's"? He lets me put them on with no far.

It has been 3 days of use, and Tippy toes are not so tippy anymore. Yesterday was the FIRST day in months that he hasnt complained his legs hurt! He hasn't cried as much either! yeah!

The best part insurance paid 100%!!!! wooo hoo!

so what exactly are AFO's? Hope this helps;)

Ankle-foot orthoses (AFOs) are orthoses or braces, usually plastic, encompassing the ankle joint and all or part of the foot. AFOs are externally applied, and are intended to control position and motion of the ankle, compensate for weakness, or correct deformities.[4] They control the ankle directly, and can be designed to control the knee joint indirectly as well

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